We will Discover more excisable Firms, Rake in more Revenue–Compt Alade

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We will Discover more excisable Firms, Rake in more Revenue–Compt Alade

More excisable factories are being discovered in Ogun State through the deployment of intelligence in its operations. Area controller of the Ogun II command, Comptroller Olushola Bisi Alade disclosed to newsmen today during his maiden media briefing.

The new firms include, Glamour foods & Consult Nigeria limited, Abraham & Sarah Beverages Nigeria limited, Cafro Group of companies Nigeria limited and Sprout and Kings Nigeria limited, all under different stages of completion.

In addition, our activities inthe free trade zones have improved and these have yielded greater success which is evident in our monthly revenue collections. The command will continue to put in place necessary measures to improve on the collections with adequate support from other units of the service such as the CIU and Customspolice.We shall maintain success through synergy.We will continue to dialogue, engage, and sensitize the local and business communities while discharging ourstatutory responsibilities of enforcing compliance with government fiscal policies.

REVENUE:The command generated a total revenue of Four Billion,six hundred and Twenty-Seven Million, Fifty-Four Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty-One Naira, Sixty Nine Kobo (N4,627,054,451.69) in September and October 2023,which is 24.8% higher than what the Command generated inthe corresponding periodlast year, the November revenue is just dropping into the Federation account and it is now being collated.

During the period under review, we deployed sustained intelligence
recognaissance, effective monitoring and robust stakeholders’ engagement in our operations.

It is also important tostress that the successes recorded in our revenue in thisCommand canbe attributed to the following factors;
a. Good motivation from the Nigeria Customs Service Management which has boosted the morale of officers and kept them in high spirits at all times.
b. Aggressive stakeholder engagement by the Customs Area Controller (CAC) including visits and parleys with other security/government agencies in Ogun State.
c.Continuous deployment of intelligence in our operations which led to the discovery of some factories. These factories which arenowunder different stages of registration include:
I.Glamour Foods & Consult (Nig) Ltd
II.Abraham & Sarah Beverages (Nig)Ltd
III.Cafro Group of Company
IV.Sprout & Kings (Nig) Ltd.

Meanwhile, on assumption of duty, the monitoring team of the command was re-invigorated to brace upfor an upliftment in our revenue drive. The monitoring Team has succeeded in bringing more factories under Excise control.

Before I proceed, may I inform you that we just concludeda three phased tour of the factories and the two free trade zones (FTZ), Ceplast and Ogun Guangdong Free trade zone within the command jurisdiction: This is in tandem with our commitment to enhance collaboration among the different stakeholders in the supply chainand subsequently to improve our performance and operational relationships.This moment marks a fresh opportunity for a cordial working relationship between the service and the stakeholders.

Today marks the first day I am addressing the press, stakeholders, and the Business community in this Command. It isnew beginning in our journey to fulfill our core mandates:
a.To Improve our revenue generation
b.To facilitate trade and
c.To Protect National Economic security.
It is in the light of the above we are here to share with you the record of our achievements and activities in these core areas as well as in stakeholder engagement.

May I use this opportunity to solicitfor the cooperation of the various factories ontimely payment of appropriate Excise Duty as well as other charges payable, to appreciate the Traders that have beencompliantso far and to encourage them to do better in discharging their respective responsibilities

At this point may I thank and appreciate our critical stakeholders, for their continuous collaborative efforts andcooperation with the service while we carry out our statutory mandate in the state.

During this period, it is essential to recognize the effort of the Comptroller General of Customs (GCG) in the implementation of policies and agenda of the FederalGovernment to encourage Officers and Men of the service to carryout their statutory functions across the nation.

Once again, let me use this opportunity to thank the Comptroller General of Customs Bashir Adewale Adeniyi MFR dsm fnipr psc(+)and the management team for this opportunity and for their unflinching support always.

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